*NEW* When Women Vote

What’s Right not Who’s Right

by Stephanie Donner and Amber McReynolds

When Women Vote highlights the challenges Americans, particularly women, face in the current voting process environment and the amazing things that happen with reform. We make the case for further voting reform and removing bias in the voting process by sharing stories and experiences of women voters and leaders throughout the United States.


by Robert S. Tipton

We’re losing our collective humanity through our addiction to “being correct” instead of “being connected.” Far too much time is wasted–in business, family life, education, etc.– because we are mired in urination contests, in endless debate, in bickering, politicking, and posturing. We create unproductive and toxic conflict through our need to be right. Let’s focus on “What’s Right, not Who’s Right.” By making this simple (but often not easy) shift, our relationships, our work lives, our personal lives, and our health and well-being will improve. The madness will end!


Never Going Back: 7 Steps to Staying out of Prison

JUMP!- Get Unstuck, Extraordinary Life Breakthroughs

by Hassan A. Latif

The United States has only 5% of the world’s population, yet over 25% of the planet’s incarcerated people. Additionally, with a national recidivism rate of about 43% (2011), America knows how to lock folks down but doesn’t know how to keep them from coming back. Staying out of prison for anyone who has ever been (or gone back again) is going to require that something change. And that change is Hassan Latif’s “Never Going Back, 7 Steps to Staying out of Prison.

by Robert S. Tipton

Do you suffer from “Status Quo Sickness?” You might. It’s an epidemic of “We Can’t”, “Not Us,” “Not Now,” and “What About My Retirement” kind of thinking. But, don’t fret — it is curable, and Robert Tipton’s JUMP! Innovative Change Model™ is the answer. It will help you blast through your fear and uncertainty and will give you the tools and courage to recapture your passion, renew your purpose, and deliver quantum leaps in your results. Grab this book and JUMP! to it!

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